5 Questions to Ask At Your Next Well Woman Exam

A well-woman exam is a preventive and essential aspect of your health care. As a woman, it's essential to understand and communicate your health needs. At these appointments, it's not just about getting checked; it's also about engaging in meaningful dialogue with your doctor. 

One of the best places to ensure you're getting the care you need is with Daniel Esteves, MD, an exceptional women's health concerns in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

In this article, he explores five key questions you should ask at your next well-woman exam.

1. "Is this normal?"

This broad question allows our team to address any concerns. Whether it's a change in your menstrual cycle, mood swings, or anything you find unusual, don't hesitate to bring it up. Sometimes the things you think are trivial can be indicators of underlying issues.

Your body goes through various changes. Sometimes it's difficult to tell if what you're experiencing is normal or indicative of a health issue. Inquiring about the normalcy of any symptoms or changes allows for discussions on topics you might have yet to think to mention. 

Being candid about your physical and emotional state gives Dr. Esteves the information he needs to identify potential issues. 

2. "How can I improve my diet and lifestyle?"

Maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle is essential to your overall well-being. This question prompts Dr. Esteves to evaluate your current habits and offer advice.

Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Is your current exercise regimen benefiting you? Bring up any dietary restrictions or preferences you have, and ask for recommendations. 

A personalized nutrition and exercise plan helps in maintaining a healthy weight, contributes to your mental health, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. You can also ask about stress management techniques and sleep hygiene tips to improve your daily life.

3. "What screenings or tests should I consider?"

Regular screenings are essential for the early detection of various health issues. Depending on your age and health history, our team may recommend specific tests like mammograms, pap smears, or bone density scans. In your 20s, the focus might be on Pap tests, while in your 40s, mammograms become more significant.

Ask what to look out for and when to start scheduling these critical screenings. Are there any additional tests based on your family history that you should consider? Talk to our team about when and how often you should undergo these tests. 

4. "Are my medications and supplements appropriate?"

If you are taking medications or supplements, it's essential to reassess their relevance occasionally. Is your current medication still effective? Are there any new alternatives that might be more beneficial? This question also opens up the discussion for any side effects you might be experiencing. 

In some cases, medications or supplements can interact with each other, so ensuring Dr. Esteves is aware of everything you are taking is essential. Additionally, asking this question can provide insights into any new medications or research that might be more beneficial to your health.

5. "What should I know about family planning and contraception?"

Regardless of your current family status or future plans, understanding your options regarding family planning and contraception is essential. 

Various methods and treatments are available, and discussing these options with Dr. Esteves offers clarity. 

Whether you are considering starting a family, looking into birth control options, or seeking advice on fertility, it's essential to be informed about the available choices.

Your well-woman exam is an essential step in safeguarding your health. Asking questions provides answers and creates an ongoing dialogue with our team. 

Book your next well-woman exam today by making an appointment online or calling 770-676-5878.

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